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J.K. Rowling and the '50 Shades of Grey' author both completely own Piers Morgan
  来源:苹果apple账号注册  更新时间:2024-06-14 21:57:03

Is Piers Morgan a masochist for Twitter burns? Because he's now turning to a BDSM expert.

In the midst of getting completely owned in his ongoing Twitter battle with Harry Potter author and unrivaled Twitter queen J.K. Rowling, Morgan attempted to turn to another famous author for a moment of relief: 50 Shades of Grey mastermind E.L. James.

SEE ALSO:Piers Morgan simply does not realize J.K. Rowling masterfully subtweeted him

Unfortunately for Morgan (and fortunately for pretty much everyone else), he walked right into another epic roasting at the hands of a Potterfan.

James responded to the TV personality with an unattributed quote.

The tweet standing alone is a pretty good burn on Morgan, obviously insinuating his battle with Rowling is a desperate quest for attention. But who said it?

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With the follow-up tweet, James dropped the hammer.

It. Was. From. Harry. Potter.

The quote was pulled from a conversation between Lockhart, a famous wizarding celebrity, and Harry Potter in the second book of theseries.

Of course, Potter fans loved this perfect interaction.

Who's next in line to ether Morgan? We can't wait to see.

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