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The White House just brutally burned Australia's Prime Minister
  来源:苹果apple账号注册  更新时间:2024-06-14 23:27:17

If Australia thought it mattered to the new U.S. administration, the message is now loud and clear: Nah, not really.

In one week alone, details of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's call with Donald Trump were leaked to the press. He was apparently told by the U.S. president that he "was the worst call by far" on a day that included a chat with Vladimir Putin. Trump's press secretary called him either "Trumbull" or "Trumble" multiple times. And now, they've gotten rid of him altogether.

A call sheet issued Saturday by the Office of the Press Secretary not only declined to mention Turnbull by name, it mistakenly (or purposefully) called him the "President of Australia." If Turnbull was a "cup half full" kind of guy, he could look on this as a promotion.

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Mashable ImageCredit: Office of the Press Secretary

To twist the knife further, the press release managed to correctly name almost every other foreign leader, along with their title. Way harsh.

Australia is not overly precious about its politicians, but you have to think Trumble, errr Turnbull, is hurting over this. It's clearly amateur hour over in the U.S. president's press office, but c'mon. Can we expect a faux apology tweet from Trump?

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