
Seoul expresses regret over North Korea's missile launch

President Moon Jae-in / Yonhap
President Moon Jae-in / Yonhap

South Korea convened an emergency meeting of its National Security Council (NSC) on Tuesday in response to North Korea's latest "short-range missile" launch, Cheong Wa Dae said.

Its members expressed "regret" over the launch that came at a time when the stabilization of the Korean Peninsula security situation is very important, it added.

Earlier in the day, North Korea test-fired what appears to be a ballistic missile toward the East Sea.

North Korea fires one short-range missile into East Sea North Korea fires one short-range missile into East Sea 2021-09-28 08:46  |  North Korea
The NSC members were debriefed by Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Chairman Gen. Won In-choul in connection with the "situations of North Korea's short-range missile launch" and had relevant discussions.

President Moon Jae-in soon received a separate briefing from Suh Hoon, director of national security at Cheong Wa Dae, on the results of the NSC session.

Moon ordered a "comprehensive analysis" of the North's latest missile launch and back-to-back statements issued by Kim Yo-jong, sister of its leader Kim Jong-un, on inter-Korean relations, Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Park Kyung-mee said. (Yonhap)

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