
Russia's agriculture minister Dmitry Patrushev and N.Korea discuss agriculture

Combines load wheat into a truck during harvest in a field of a local agricultural enterprise in the Cherlaksky district of the Omsk region,<strong></strong> Russia, Sept. 8, 2023. Reuters-Yonhap

Combines load wheat into a truck during harvest in a field of a local agricultural enterprise in the Cherlaksky district of the Omsk region, Russia, Sept. 8, 2023. Reuters-Yonhap

Russia's agriculture minister on Wednesday discussed deepening ties with North Korea with one of Pyeongyang's top agriculture officials, the Russian ministry said.

Russian Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev was shown greeting vice premier of the cabinet, Ri Chol-man, in Moscow, along with Russian officials from other agricultural agencies.

"The Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have long-standing friendly relations," Patrushev said. "Currently, we note the intensification of contacts, including in most areas of agriculture."

North Korea has long grappled with food shortages, in part due to prolonged UN sanctions over its weapons programmes and seasonal natural disasters.

China is the world's biggest wheat producer but Russia is usually the top exporter of wheat. Russian total agricultural exports totalled more than $45 billion in 2023, a record. (Reuters)

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