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Women are 'weaker, less intelligent' says Polish politician during pay gap debate
  来源:苹果apple账号注册  更新时间:2024-06-14 07:56:32

Someone needs to remind Polish politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke that's its 2017, not 1717.

People are furious after Korwin-Mikke, a member of the European Parliament, remarked that women are "weaker," "smaller" and "less intelligent" than men, and therefore should be paid less.

The incident occurred during a gender pay gap debate in the European Parliament on Wednesday. Parliament was nearly empty at the time, but people can be heard gasping and even laughing at Korwin-Mikke's remarks.

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Spanish socialist MEP Garcia Perez immediately responded to the statement.

"According to what you're saying and your theory I wouldn't have the right to be here as a member of parliament," Perez said in a translated version of the statement from the Independent.

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"I know you're very upset and very concerned about the fact we women can represent citizens on an equal footing with you. I am am here to defend all European women from men like you," Perez said.

According to the BBC, the Socialists and Democrats party urged Parliament President Antonio Tajani to sanction the Polish MEP for his comments. The rules for the European Parliament ban defamatory, racist and xenophobic language or behavior, so Tajani is now investigating if Korwin-Mikke broke the rules with his remarks.

According to a statement from a European Parliament spokesperson, "penalties range from a reprimand to a fine and temporary suspension."

This isn't the first time Korwin-Mikke's remarks got him in trouble with Parliament. In October of 2015, he was suspended after making the Nazi salute in the chamber, and last year he lost 10 days of pay and was suspended for five days after comparing immigrants to Europe to excrement, the BBCreports.

We're pretty sure a good chunk of people think the same of Korwin-Mikke.

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