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Japanese PM convenes emergency meeting over N. Korea's nuke test
  来源:苹果apple账号注册  更新时间:2024-06-15 11:28:02
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called a National Security Council meeting Sunday on the news that an artificial earthquake has been detected in North Korea's nuclear test site.

Earlier in the day, the South Korean weather agency said it has detected a magnitude 5.7 quake around Punggye-ri in the northwestern part of North Korea.

"Chances are there that North Korea carried out a nuclear test," Abe told reporters upon arrival at his office to convene the NSC meeting.

"The North's nuclear test, if it turns out to be true, could never be tolerated," he said.

Briefed on the possibility of the North's nuclear test, the sixth of its kind, at the meeting, Abe ordered Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga to gather and analyze information, immediately provide related information to the people and respond to the situation in cooperation with South Korea, the United States, China and Russia.

Chief of Staff of Japan's Self Defense Forces Katsutoshi Kawano told reporters, "(The government) is checking it now."

But an unidentified Japanese high-ranking official told Kyodo earlier in the day that the quake is sure to be the result of a nuclear test. (Yonhap)

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